



Zirconia ToolCategory:Zirconia Tool

Introduction:Zirconia, mainly consisting of ZrO2, has the highest mechanical strength and fracture toughness at room temperature of all major fine ceramics. It is used to make cutting blades, scissors and knives. It is also used for pump parts due to its superior surface smoothness. Our zirconia (ZrO2) is a partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) with 3mol%Y2O3 added. Due to the small particle diameter of PSZ material, it can complete high-precision machining, and its application in the field of precision machining parts such as molds is expanding.

Sales Director: Apricot Mei
Mobile: 0086 13823743080

Product Description

Zirconia is a material with high mechanical strength and fracture toughness at room temperature. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is similar to that of metals, and it is suitable for bonding with metal materials. Zirconia has relatively fine grains, which can achieve high roughness processing. It also has excellent biocompatibility and is widely used in the biomedical industry. Excellent hardness, wear resistance, and comfortable skin fit when used for wearable devices

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